This week's block, XOXO from Lissa Alexander can be found at the Moda blog archive of Blockheads blocks. This is a great resource place to get your blocks and catch up on any you missed. I'm still doing some browns this week so I've added a pop of orange to liven it up, and a little gray for a cooler balance. I intended to do this block with tan background corners and just white centers in the O's but I forgot and my blocks were done before I remembered. I'm sticking with these! For my mixed print this week I 'm using V&Co Ombre Confetti. I just love this fabric! The density change with the dots to go with the lighter or darker value of the color is just perfect. I love that little pop of celebration and movement. And those little leopard print handle Gingher scissors...they are the first scissors I got with fun handles. I got them about 18 years ago and they were a special birthday treat I gave myself. Soooooo...want to see some color studies?? First I have my basic browns and orange. I made this in the first version since it went in with my rainbow row theme. I like looking at the richness when you add dark colors along with the light colors into those stitch-and-flip corners. And more orange, and how about playing with the orange and switching it up within the Xs and Os? If I were making the block for a fun pillow I would probably do something more mixed, like the right one on the second row. This stays with color stories- greens on top, yellow and oranges on the bottom. But each one is a mix of values within those colors and it feels like a lively mix of movement. The all-green blocks have a different feel. The one on the left has the OXXO go from light on top to dark on bottom while the background does the reverse, dark to light going down each row. And next to it, the lights and darks stay the same in the top and bottom and the 2 middle rows. This emphasizes the feeling of mountains and valleys vs letters. On the last row, I've played with the browns making a center square by using one corner of each X, O block. Then consistent color above and below that, to the sides and in the corners. It creates a feeling of banded color or a transparent film of color layed over the Xs and Os. And lastly, by alternating the insides and outsides (so a chartreuse center has turquoise corners and the next one has a turquoise center with chartreuse corners) we get a continuation of the angled shape from block to block, creating a composition on angled lines that form new diamonds. The little white triangles in the center are a focal point and a bow on the package! This one really has a strong directional movement to the way the blocks read as a continual sections. This is the other one I think I'd make as an experiment. Check back on Saturday when I post some of the blocks I've been catching up on. I am really excited to share my applique bird and urn from a couple weeks ago and I did Joanna Figueroa's alternate flower too.
See you soon! If it's easier to see my posts on a feed, I am also on Bloglovin at
Patti Rojec
7/1/2020 04:47:25 am
thanks for another great block. I love to use green in quilts, it is such a versatile color and brings out emotions of nature. Interestingly, I am not using green in my blockheads quilt, so I am looking forward to playing with my colors especially for the leaves for this garden block.
Sheikla Blount
7/1/2020 08:52:25 am
This summer purple has been my favorite color to sew with. Thanks for sharing.
Tammy Soelberg
7/1/2020 09:19:27 am
I didn't realize that I had a favorite color to quilt with- I like all the colors of the rainbow. But as I've thought back on the quilts I've made, coral has been in just about every one of them. It's such a cheerful color and I think it goes well with many other colors.
Beryl Stoots
7/1/2020 10:42:43 am
Blues and yellows are my happy sewing colors!
Pat Corrigan
7/1/2020 11:02:58 am
My favourite colours are the coral/apricot colour tones and the bright vibrant yellows!!
Sandy Bowen
7/1/2020 01:20:04 pm
Teals and corals are my favorite colors to quilt with
Jill cardella
7/1/2020 06:23:10 pm
Teals, pinks, and purples have been my go to colors this spring/summer.
Lisa Corbett
7/2/2020 12:38:29 am
My favorite color reight now is a stricking Lime Green, it seems to make everything else pop.
7/2/2020 01:40:05 am
I enjoy working with bright colours, yellows, purples, oranges....
7/2/2020 01:15:02 pm
my favorite colour to sew with is usually red.
Elizabeth Mulhall
7/3/2020 05:22:14 am
I love a few colours! Pinks to purple range and also teal and coral.
Debbie Lamprecht
7/3/2020 12:49:10 pm
I quilt with blues. I love blue and white together.
7/7/2020 07:56:01 am
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7/7/2020 08:00:40 am
Thank you so much Dr.idowu herbal home for bringing my life back, i never thought i would ever be cured of Herpes Virus again due to the medical report i had from the hospital not until When God used Dr.idowu herbs and root in curing me of Herpes virus . Inbox him on {[email protected]}
Darlene Treger
12/28/2020 10:51:31 am
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About ROBINDesigner of colorful florals for Moda fabrics. Modern to transitional quilt designer. Illustrator, sewist, crafter. I am proud to be a designer for Moda Fabrics!
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